Trialling Information


Geelong Greyhound Racing Club Behavioral Expectations

Our staff and participants have a responsibility to behave in a professional manner and to always treat each other with respect.  Verbal abuse, humiliating others, and physical or verbal intimidation will not be tolerated at our club.  Any person that acts in a way that we consider unacceptable during our trial sessions will be suspended from trialing at our venue.


Follow the link below for the GGRC policies: 

Geelong Trial Policy

GGRC Code of Conduct

Managing a Grievance Policy

Equal Opportunity, Anti-Discrimination, Anti-Harassment & Anti Bullying Policy





We are on FASTTRACK.



$12.50 for a solo trial, $5 for a half field slot.

(Terms & Conditions apply)


Satisfactory trials (Only available Tuesday, post race meeting Trial sessions)


Trial booking procedure:

All trials can be booked online via FastTrack, or by calling our office.


Catching Pen Trial Session

Tuesday After the Races

Booking opening times for Tuesday are from 10.00 AM on the same day as trial session.

Any queries can be made by contacting the office on (03) 5275 2298

Maiden four dog field trials from the 400 and 460 metre starts will be offered and given preference to solo trials, field trials will be conducted immediately after stewards trials.

Please note: when a finish on lure (FOL) race meeting is conducted, only FOL trials are conducted after the races



Arm trial sessions

Monday -  8:30 am – 3:30 pm

- Outside Track, (400, 460, 680) 8.30 am – 11.30 am

- Inside Track, (520, BTB, 596) 12:15 pm – 3:30 pm

- FastTrack Online Bookings open Friday 9 am, 3 days prior or by calling the office.

Wednesday -  8:30 am – 3:30 pm

- Outside Track, (400, 460, 680) 8.30 am – 11.30 am

- Inside Track, (520, BTB, 596) 12:15 pm – 3:30 pm

- FastTrack Online Bookings open Sunday 9 am, 3 days prior or by calling the office.

Sunday – 8:30 am – 3:30 pm

- Outside Track, (400, 460, 680) 8.30 am – 11.57 am

- Inside Track, (520, BTB, 596) 1:00pm – 3:30 pm

- FastTrack Online Bookings open Thursday 9 am, 3 days prior or by calling the office.

The Sunday sessions may be transferred to a Saturday when GGRC races on a Sunday and if staff are available.